Being Forgetful!

Being forgetful! Is this a disease or deficiency? Depending how you classify it, I’m sick or deficient! I tend to forget important dates. Luckily, my sister reminded me of the important dates when we were younger. Even today, she calls up in advance to remind me of certain dates. Luckily, she never had to remind me of my wedding anniversary! But there are disadvantages when your sister is the person who reminds you of important dates. I almost forgot her wedding anniversary! Here again, my brother-in-law came to the rescue albeit a bit late. Luckily, it was before the day was over!

Some people are blessed with the art of remembering. In school, there was a competition for “best memory”. It may sound dumb. But, yes, there was a competition for this! You are taken to a room. There are different items in the room. You are given a couple of minutes to look around and memorize the items. Then, you are taken outside and given another couple of minutes to write down the items you saw. The person who writes the maximum number of items wins! Needless to say I flunked in it and eventually dreaded this competition.

Memory helps you personally and professionally. Remember on the seventh day of seventh month at seven past seven, I let you go for that thing with your friends. Does it sound familiar? Now, if your memory is not good enough to find an alternate scenario, you are gone! The same thing works (for or against you) professionally too! Is there a remedy for the memory problem? Is there a pill available to cure this? If a remedy is not available in the market, is someone researching on the same?

I don’t want to attain the heights in which I can recall birthdays and also zodiac signs at the drop of a hat! Still, I would love to give a small boost to my memory! However, a recent incident made me realize that I’m not bad.

A friend of mine forgot his son’s birthday! Both of us have been planning a trip to Kerala to visit another friend. Mistaking our unplanned life for an important, responsible and busy work life, our friend in Kerala gave us two months of notice. This event is planned in the second week of September. But our friend in Kerala has been calling all of us and following up on our availability since July! When they are only 3 week to the event, my forgetful friend remembers his son’s birthday date falls on the same day as this event! Yes, he is a busy man and he has only one child!

Picture Courtesy:

Tags: Musings,Memory


  1. man, you are one prolific. Great to come back every time and read your enriching posts. This was way too good a post. Keep them coming. :)

  2. forgetful by nature too...but i think i remember the import days of close friends and family....:)

  3. You get the pill to boost memory you send me bg fulls please, Aparna would also be queuing up..but rem I asked for it first. I am so bad and getting worse by the hour..At times I am sure its alzheimers, and At times I think its the genes, and at times I think I am too detached to remember worldly stuff..but the net result, is my memory is very very poor, I actually play the memory game with my kids. Its a set of memory cards that you look at for a minute and then turn over and recollect all that was in the card, ist supposed to be good memory booster!!

  4. I came to terms with Birthdays and anniversaries using online calendars and those can send email reminders, text messages etc.
    So I guess if you really want to try....give it a shot.

  5. @ZB - Thanks. :)

    @Mathew - You are lucky! I have to depend on dear ones to remind me.

    @Sujata - :) I will send a bag of memory pills as soon as I get it. By the way, isn't the memory game helping you?

    @Arvind - Online calendars! Simple solution! Thanks a bunch. In fact, I have also signed up for the online calendar thing in Facebook. Now, I have to overcome the laziness and actually greet the person on the special day. When you get rid of one hurdle, another one appears before you!

  6. I forget how old my kids are and have to keep calculating, honest.( Let's see, Ayushi was born in 2001 so that would make her 1, 2, 3, get the drift)
    Yesterday i went for grocery shopping, ran up a huge bill and realised i had forgotten to carry the purse. Frantic phone calls to husband from some one else's phone( I forgot to carry mine ) and there he comes, my knight in silver armour, rescuing me with his american express. It is embarrassing.

  7. Being forgetful is, sadly, a way of life for me, too. So I try to get around it by keeping everything on my phone as reminders, and also by making lists whenever possible. But I keep misplacing my phone and losing the lists, so...

  8. You always have different ideas to write.. I am just the opposite.. I remember many nos by heart.. like our Credit card nos, phone no of my friends, car nos and many more...

  9. me too in the forgetful list boss..i dont remember most bdays..even my wife's..ok, i know my daughters' bday..thats it..cheers buddy

  10. @Aparna - :) At least, he came to the rescue with Amex card!

    @Sucharita - Try the "Ghajini" technique! Tattoo! :)

    @Swatantra - You are blessed!

    @Ramesh - If you forget your wife's b'day, it gives her chance to shout at you. That is healthy. But not remembering your child's birthday! That is too much!

  11. Reminders -- do you know what that is on outlook :)

  12. @Anrosh - Well, BirthdayAlarm is the new kid on the block. :)

  13. I try to remember as much as I can still few things I forget so I keep note of it like birthdays, anniversaries etc.

  14. Ladies have the wonderful ability to remember dates. Eg: My wife... She could remember even the silliest (excuse my rudeness ;) ) of all dates, and I couldn't think beyond her bday and our wedding day. She almost killed me for missing our engagement day this year!!

  15. @Babli - You can use Google calendar. :)

    @ScorpioGenius - The fact you are writing on my blog says you survived the aftermath of forgetfulness. Boy! You better mark all the important ones right away - Engagement day, 100th telephone day, The day we touched 100 minutes talking on the phone etc etc. :) (Hope she is not seeing this! Erase my blog from your history right now! And if you ever introduce me to your wife, my name is Bob!) :)

  16. ^^ haha Bobs, don't gimme ideas! If she finds out that I'm writing down the dates so that I could remember them, then I'm going to get crucified!! You trying to get me killed dude?? ;))

  17. @ScorpioGenius - :) Good luck, buddy! Looks like crucification is written in your case... one way or the other.


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