Seat Belt

Tags: Videos


  1. Beautiful video, with an essential message. Thanks for posting it Nona.:)

  2. very touching indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. The best way the idea could be got across. Wonderful!

  4. Message nicely conveyed. That is the only traffic rule that is enforced in our city. The police immediately write a challan if they see you without one. The other aspects of traffic control are zero.

  5. @Sanju - Glad you enjoyed it. :)

    @Srinivas - Yes, I agree with you.

    @ScoropioGenius - Yes. I was wondering what the little girl was going to do! The way they have portrayed the importance of seat belt is very good.

    @Radha - The seatbelt thing is a good start although it is more essential on the highways! The traffic in the cities do not give you a chance to travel in high speed. Once you fall into the habit of putting on seat belts, then you do it by reflex every time you sit in your car.

    @Ramesh - Is it your ISP?


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