Sleeping while commuting

On a long flight, I can sleep peacefully. But while commuting, I hate to fall asleep. What is behind this hatred is the fear of missing to get down at the destination. My commute time went up as soon as I moved from La Defense into Paris. Ever since, I have been falling asleep while commuting more often. 

Luckily for me, the longest and peaceful leg of my commute, where I usually fall asleep, is between the terminal points of a train. Once I was in my own world listening to the music that I forgot to get down. The woman next to me double-backed after getting off the train and gently shook me to bring me back to real world. Another time, I was asleep and a kind soul knocked on the window to wake me up. All these experiences has not made me alert. In fact, I fall asleep more often now.

There are others who fall asleep during the commute. My friend is one of them. But he has a simple way to wake up. He sets the alarm on his clock to wake him up before his destination.


  1. Even I thought you should do something like your friend, it makes sense, and why miss a good sleep, when you may have nothing better to do.

  2. Ask the commuters in Mumbai's local trains for the secret. First how they manage sleep in the midst of bhajans/card games, etc. Second how they manage to wake up at the correct station.

    1. Managing to sleep is easy according to me. It is the second part of waking up at the correct station which is more difficult. It is years of practice?

  3. I can even take a light nap in a Bangalore autorickshaw!

  4. I was laughing all the way while reading this post. The reason was that I could co-relate to it completely. I slept while going to the college and reached another destination. :P Once traveling while train I was wake up only when a sweeper in the ward shouted loudly. :D

    Weakest LINK

    1. Your experiences are funnier than mine. :)

  5. Someday you will wake up in a strange land .. :)

  6. I dont sleep during travel..But a bigger mishap is that I used to immerse in thoughts so that I forget to get down at the intended destination. It happened to me many times..

  7. Look at it this way, one day you miss the destination - and it is a discovery, overcoming the fear and the subject of another post!

    1. You have a simpler and different way of thinking. :)

  8. Sleeping is the only way to commute. As for missing your destination, there will always be someone to alert you, and if not there is one big adventure just waiting to happen :-D

    1. :) This is exactly what Radha was telling me. (Scroll up to see her comments)


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