Boite à meuh

Pronounced "bwat a muh", this is the moo box. The same box which produces the mooing sound of the cow when turned upside down. How did I come across this new term which forms the basis of French Lessons? Right after a eternally long Monday meeting. You can imagine our state when a meeting, intended to be a quickie, stretched to consume our entire morning. That is when a friend brings up the term Boite à meuh.

According to my friend, we need a Boite à meuh. So, there is one guy who is controlling the meeting. Whenever we digress, this guy can turn the moo box upside down. This will force us back to where we left the main subject. This is an interesting way to stay focused in a meeting. There are a couple of French companies who has already implemented this.  


  1. Replies
    1. :) It is a nice and fun way. One can easily adopt it too.

  2. There should be a huge market for this everywhere! What a novel idea

  3. verrrrrrrrry interesting..the french have it in them..don't they?

  4. Replies
    1. he he. "Sounds" good to come back to the main topic. :)

  5. LOL! Interesting.Are you working in an IT company?.. coz my bro too comes up with funny foreign terms now and then and it cracks us up!!! :)

  6. Haha! This is so funny! I agree a boite a meuh should be made mandatory for all corpo meetings - shall recommend it to friends right away :)

    1. Thanks. This will definitely help in having productive meetings

  7. I have actually seen this somewhere in Singapore when I was a kid, like over 2 decades ago! Always thought it was just a box with a funny noise when I turned it over, and they mis-spelt the moo, as meuh... but now I know! :)


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