After finding the existence of vampires and lycans, the humans are embarked on a cleansing operation headed by Dr Jacob Lane(Stephen Rea). As part of this operation, Michael Corvin is fatally wounded and Selene(Kate Beckinsale) captured. Selene spends 12 years in cryogenic suspension. She is awakened by the visions of unidentified person referred as Subject #2. Suspecting this person to be Michael, Selene escapes from the headquarters of Antigen where she was kept captive. Her search leads her to Suspect #2(India Eisely), new enemies and new allies.
This is the fourth in the series. The best part about the first and the second was Kate Beckinsale - what she wears and how she executes the stunts. With the fourth installment, the hopes are up because of Kate Beckinsale returning to franchise after being absent from the third part. Although she wears the same outfit and the stunts are performed like a seasoned martial artist, the film fails to provide any excitement because of the shoddy way of executing the action scenes. The movie is directed by Mans Marlind and Bjorn Stern. The absence of Lens Wiseman in direction is sorely missed. The plot is too silly. The movie ends in such a way as to provide a way to kick off the next in the series while you wish the climax could have better crafted in order to avoid a next in the series and also save the audience from more pain.
Stay away from this. If you really want to see Kate, then revisit the first and the second in the series. That will save you a lot of disappointment.
Language: English
Genre: Action
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