The "she" who came out of the "he"

A friend recounted the experience of a manager which could be a good lesson to all of us. This manager gets a call from the Human Resources department. The caller wants to know something about one of the persons reporting to him. So the caller asks "I need a feedback about her". It may sound like a normal question for you. But this manager is perplexed. Why? Simple reason. For him, the person is not a she but a he. So this manager corrects the caller. "You mean him?". That is when the caller tells that this person is a she and not a he.

She dresses like a he. So, this manager always assumed she was a he. What you wear to work is your choice if it meets the norms prescribed by the organization. That is not the point here. Can you imagine what went through the mind of this manager when he realized the truth? His mind raced to all the past instances where all he cracked politically incorrect jokes about the fairer sex in front of the he who turned out to be she. And there were too many instances to recollect!

You can tell any jokes in the company of friends. But when you are at work, be careful about the joke for you may know whom you are talking to.

Tags: Musings,Jokes,Work


  1. hmmm interesting one Nona- A different case yet your post provoked me into remembering my first year of work in Gulf when a client mails to me "I was waiting for your feedback as you promised. Please feed me back by close to business hours today".

  2. Not joking about this but my son had once confused a man to be a woman for a long time. I still tease him about it ... he has myopia but that was not enough for the big blunder lol

    1. I had another instance over the phone. I was so sure I was talking to a man while my colleague differed. Finally, we found the person's picture on facebook. It was a woman. :|

  3. and i really liked the listen now widget..

  4. OMG just imagine how embarrassed the Manager was! Loved the humorous part of your post. :)

    1. Imagine the next meeting with this manager and this person. I am sure that would have been a disaster and would have taken a while for him to come to terms with reality. ;)

  5. hehe similar incident wen i had mistaken a woman for a man and offended her by calling Sir..Nice post

  6. :) She was who, who was he, was he she or was she he...hehehehe :P


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