I like rowdy girls

2 friends. 2 dinners. 2 cuisines. 2 goody bags. That is 2-2-2-2s of the past week. My friends have been inviting me over for dinners, providing great food and also allowing me to take it back in goody bags. Life does hold surprises. At the same time, it is also true that some disgruntled souls (lesser mortals who haven't had this good fortune in the recent past) have been calling me a Cossette ala Les Miserables. This means the French think I cry a lot. It is the easiest way to explain the nickname!

Last night was the last of the 2-2-2-2s in a malayali home with my friend, his wife and his son. Most of the entertainment was provided by the 8 year old. The interactions made me long for the comforts of my home. It made me also realize bringing up boys and girls are different. At the dinner table with 3 boys(please note I'm not talking about the biological age but the state of the mind here), the conversation soon turned to girls. The 8 year old had the most to contribute to the subject.

According to the 8 year old, his mom always shows him the goody-good girls. By goody-good, he must have meant good-mannered. Those are the girls who his mother notices and also nudge her son towards. Yes, I agree she is a super-cool mom! No two thoughts about it. But what does our 8 year old like? "I like rowdy girls". 

What constitutes rowdy? I leave it up to you. But one thing for sure, bad girls rule!


  1. Amazing insight into the mind of an 8yr old ...i would never have guessed it.

    1. Kids in general are sharp. It is the education that spoils the kid. ;)

    2. i also thinks so, here are my views on how eduction spoils kids, must check it

  2. Omago...Mommy is going to have a tough time with this fellow...:))

    1. he he. I agree on that point. He is going to keep his mom busy.

  3. The brevity of your post is amazing!
    (I agree with the boy:))

    1. :) Thanks. I like to keep it short and simple. I have trouble reading long articles (thanks to the short attention span). So I keep it short. Easy to read. At the same time not very taxing on the mind. ;)

  4. Replies
    1. :) Yes, indeed. He was talking as if there was a shortage of them in his part of the world.

  5. Woww..lovely post..sweet and short..I don't wanna miss on such nice posts so I joined ur blog :)

    Btw if you like movies, do check out my blog http://movieroundup.in/

    1. Thank you for following me. I will drop in by your blog.

  6. Thats so funny ha ha!! Mommy needs a brave heart! :D

    1. :) I think mom is already a brave heart!

  7. bad girls really rules, i too like the rowdy girls, in fact i already have one.....

    1. :) Bad girls seems to be the people in demand!

  8. haha..lol! My younger brother is 9 years old and he has a bunch of frnd who are mostly girls. But somehow, they tend to bore him as they cry and whine a lot. Only one of her frnd who plays all the games with full zeal is popular. So by rowdy i guess, they mean someone tomboyish :D


    1. :) Yes, you are right. I think that is what he meant.

  9. what a welcome i have had here. You have a lovely blog and you are an amazing writer.

    Rowdy girls...reminds me of a friend, when i was eight, Shruthi, She was a gangster. Always upto something against me Huh...i miss her now.

    Here is what i write. Have a look

    1. :) Thanks, Mak, for dropping by. I will drop in by your blog.


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