Friends and hugs inc.

Being hugged is a nice experience. As a man, Being hugged by another man is a nice experience especially if he is your brother or a close friend. But being hugged by a man in the middle of Marais is a discomforting experience even though the man may be your best friend. Don't ask me why. Why don't you look up Marais, Paris on Google and you will know why.

What caused this emotional moment? That is more interesting to write about. It has all to do with my friends visiting from US. Life has not been the same since. On a retrospective, all the pictures came out well with all of us looking as if we had just graduated from college; if not the looks, we had the attitude. They were happy to eat Creme Brûlée at 4 in the morning sitting at a cafe in some of the busiest parts of the city even at that time of the day. Of course, it never happens in the US of A. It happens only here.

In Paris, my local friends also joined the fun. They were skeptical at first. But all of us hit it off well. So one night, we were somewhere in Marais, watching a live band perform in a tiny bar, late in the evening through to the morning hours. We were ordering drinks for ourselves and for the band. Energy and camaraderie were high. At one point in the day, my local friend stepped out. When I followed him, he was nearly in the state of bliss lost in thoughts. As soon as he saw me, he came forward, hugged me and said "You have great friends!".

I replied, "I know... and you are one of my friends..."



  1. very nice post nona...surprising..earlier days i used to hate hugging anyone..but in gulf v have this it comes to me automatically...being hugged by someone with true real good..

  2. Well, A hug is a hug..! Let people judge you, you enjoy :)

    1. :) No complaints. But sharing the experience.

  3. A hug is a nice. I have seen people hugging me only when they really mean it. Of course, there may be some weird people with other intentions, however, one can easily make out.

    1. When intentions are not good, then it is no more a hug. :)

  4. A hug is a little gesture and means a lot, isn't it?

    I found this written somewhere sometime ago: Hugging is good medicine. It transfers energy and gives the person hugged an emotional lift. You need four hugs a day for survival, eight for maintenance and twelve for growth. Scientists (now i wish we had some names there :))say that hugging is a form of communication because it can say things you don't have words for. And the nicest thing about a hug is that you usually can't give one without getting one. :)

    1. It means a lot. And you have given a whole lot of useful and interesting information on hugs. Thank you for that.

      I like the last sentence of your comment. :)

  5. Expressing emotions does not come easy to many it needs to be learned.

    1. You can spend your entire life trying to learn this and still not master it!

  6. You are right Nona-i am still trying.To show my appreciation for your blog there is a surprise for you at jeeteraho.

  7. Well, we are gay and happy! :P *pun intended* haha :D


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