Why are they making you do it?

Where do kids learn things? Of course, most of the education comes from us. But still, there are means unknown to us from where they learnt stuff which makes us wonder how did they learnt this in the first place. A recent conversation between a mother and a 7 year old illustrates this.

The mother is planning a sabbatical from her work. She was planning to take a long leave from the job, ride it out for next few months before deciding on the next stages of her career. She decided to break this news to her daughter.

Mother: *adopting a serious tone* Mom is going to stop working.

Daughter: *listening with blank expression*

Mother: *hides her smile and proceeds to drop the bombshell* Now, we have to be careful about what we buy and how we spend money.

Daughter: *takes a few moments to think and then* But why are they making you do it?

Mother: *confused* they?

Daughter: Yes, they. Your office firing you?

Mother: *a bit unsteady now* Why would they want to fire me?

Daughter: *with all innocence* Probably, you might have checked some sites on the Internet which you should not have and your computer would have crashed!

I am glad kids know there are things that shouldn't be done on the Internet. I am not sure who is teaching them. I was glad initially because this is the basic thing a kid should be taught. Then, reality sank in. When has restrictions stopped any of us?



  1. Interesting. Also speaks to mom's uncertainty about making the change as much as communicating to the generation :-)

    1. Interesting. While writing this, I was concentrating only on the second part. :) It is nice when you find out people get different takeouts (even though it is not the one intended) from my posts. :)

  2. Haha I'm betting this happened for real to the parent of a friend of here! XD

    1. The conversation is real. About the computer crash and the rest is not real. :) I would love to know more about the parent of a friend. :)

  3. holy lord should i laugh or be concerned !! Kids are kids by size only !! U see I am leaving the job and they anticipate other solid possibilities ...
    :) kudos to the kids for being smarter than smart phones :)

    1. My advice. Laugh. What is the point in getting concerned? In case kids ask you something funny, blog about it. ;)

  4. Children too can teach us a thing or two.

  5. Smart kid. When a colleague told her 8-year old about an upcoming sabbatical, the kid asked her if she was pregnant !

  6. laughing as always at your posts.


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