A, AA, a dad and weird spellings

Tell me how do you pronounce A. Then tell me how do pronounce AA. Isn't there a difference between these two? I would pronounce AA as if I am responding after someone pinched me hard. A bit like aaaargh but ending a bit softer. That is how differentiate between A and AA.

My young friend name when written has AA in it but it is said as if there is only one A. It is my habit that I can't keep quiet. Nor can I stop myself from writing about it! So I ended up asking him.

Me: *cheerfully* So, what is the story?

Young Friend: *perplexed* What story?

Me: Your name has AA. But it is said as if there is only A! What is the story behind it?

Young Friend: *disinterested* Ask my dad!

Me: *shocked* Your dad? Why? *also thinking if I have to go to India to get this mystery solved!*

Young Friend: It should have A. But my dad put it as AA.

Me: Why?

Young Friend: *smiles* Numerology.

What can I say about dads? They scar us for life!



  1. Ha Ha, no Haa Haa.. (numero-logically smiling :P ) Good one.

    1. Your comment is better than the post. :)

  2. LOlz ! Good one , enjoyed reading it !

    1. :) Thank you... for the comment and also for dropping by.

  3. I bet you too have a similar story when it comes to your story ;-)

    1. :) I have been asked that question before. :)

  4. Is it that, Nona means "Noname" ;-) --- Sajayan

    1. That is the easiest way to remember me. :)


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