Photos: A Hero in an unlikely place

We have heard stories about finding a hero at unlikely places. Probably, you yourself would have been in such a situation. Don't we all love the guardian angel who show up without any fanfare to give us much needed boost to come out of a difficult situation?

Scouting the Camden Lock Market over the last weekend, I encountered a hero. This hero was prominently featured during my childhood, the Hero cycle. It was not stylish as the BSA cycles. But still, it had a rugged dont-mess-with-me look. At least, I think so.

It is amazing to see a remnant of your childhood at an unlikely place in the world.

Tags: Photos



  1. Seeing a hero cycle after a long time. Good picture Nona

    1. :) Same here. I was not expecting one over here. Plus I have not seen one for a very long time

  2. Hero cycle was popular when I was growing up. Nice picture.


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