Photos: The Arch of Durdle Door

The picture shows the natural arch found in Durdle Door, Dorset. Nature has many ways of surprising us. The arch is one way. It looks as majestic as Arc de Triomphe. Whereas men had toiled the erect the Arc de Triomphe, mother nature has silently toiled many years to carve this wonder. I have come across the similar natural arch a few years back at Etretat, a coastal town in France. Durdle Door and Etretat share many characteristics. The arch is one of them, and the pebbled beach is the second.

Tags: Photos, Dorset, Durdle Door, Jurassic Coast


  1. Replies
    1. And how many years would it have taken to build this?

  2. No one can match the true artistry of Mother Nature

    1. You are right. We can only get inspired by it.

  3. Wow, what a unique structure...the France one too. Tweeting this!

  4. Nature is quite a sculptor. Wow!!
    I was reminded of Natural Bridges in Santa Cruz CA but this one seems to be more finely sculpted. Amazing.

    Thank you for the great picture, Nona. :)

    1. Interesting. Although I have been to Santa Cruz many times and also tried CA 1, I have never noticed these bridges. I googled it. They are beautiful.


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