The title Rebirth applies to the spiritual reincarnation of the protagonist. This theme always incites our curiosity. Who is not fascinated by the superhuman effort to bounce back from the rock bottom? If this factor is not enough to attract us to this book, then the protagonist is an American of Indian origin undertaking a 1000-year-old pilgrimage in Spain. It is as if India doesn't have enough of gods and pilgrimages that this person has to find all his way to Spain with rapidly diminishing bank balance. There is something unmistakably wrong with the whole picture. After this point, I had to know why.
One has to walk through the road known was Camino de Santiago leading to Santiago de Compostela, a shrine of St James in Spain. This pilgrimage dates back 1000 years. Countless pilgrims have walked this path. But we walk this road with Amit. Amit's dad had recently passed away. He has many unresolved issues with his dad. He has a closed mind and hence experiencing problems in his love life. While taking the road, we come across who has their crosses to bear. Camino brings them peace and reconciliation. Amit comes across various acts of kindness. He learns to let go of the fears and anguish. He sees the transformation of ordinary food into a filling one just with company and laughter.
Kamal Ravikant is the author of this book. I am reading him for the first time. Though the chapters have the title of days, it is possible to divide the book logically into three parts. The three sections align with Camino - Life, Death, and Rebirth. When analyzing the three sections, the first one is excellent. During this part, Kamal sets the stage. We are waiting with bated breath. During the second part, Amit's companion teaches him important lesson of life. This part drags after a while. The final section comes too fast. The author has good points. According to the author, it is not the wound but how it has healed that makes you what you are. Finally, not loving hurts more than loving. While good lessons of life, we have to wait too long for the story to end.
There are other good books available under the section feel-good and self-help. Instead of the book, I suggest you walk the Camino. It might lead to a better story, for you.
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