No. Try Not. Do. Or Do Not. There is no try.
These are the words spoken by wise Yoda from Star Wars. Let me assure you I am no longer a Star Wars fan. Although I try to watch the original trilogy and the prequels, I lose interest and abandon the adventure. The saving grace of the original trilogy was Harrison Ford. And they had to kill the character off in the first part of the sequel. Did I give out a spoiler? It is almost two years since the sequel has come out. If you haven't seen it yet, then you shouldn't be cross at me for spilling the beans.
Of late, I have become allergic to the word "try." A group of people had promised the completion of a whole lot of tasks in August 2017 in a matter of weeks. Every time I brought the subject up, they told me they would try to deliver within a specified time frame. Then I waited and was disappointed when the deadline arrived. It has been over three months, and I am still waiting. Now that I am reminiscing, I can recollect my muscles tightening when I heard the word "try."
You set yourself for failure by when you say "try." Instead, you should go ahead and do it. By saying "do," you are not only demonstrating your commitment but also removing self-doubt. In my experience, you easily play the victim when trying doesn't achieve the results. When you are committed to doing something, you will find ways to remove the obstacles instead of waiting for others to help.
Take my word. Remove "try" from your vocabulary. Give your full to achieving the goal. Remember there is no try, only do.
Photo Courtesy: Rilaak
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