Maktub translates to Fate in Arabic. The movie is aptly titled as the story revolves around two friends. A life-altering event changes the direction of their lives, and then they decide to tinker with the fates of others. This Israeli movie distributed through Netflix features two successful TV duo Guy Amir and Hanan Savyon. The chances are you do not know them, but this small thing should not stand against enjoying this comedy.
Chuma and Steve played respectively by Guy Amir and Hanan Savyon, are collectors of protection money for a mob boss. But when they narrowly escape a terrorist bomb, they re-examine their lives. During the process, they decide to fulfill the wishes of the strangers retrieved from the Wailing Wall. While they play angels of God to distressed strangers, there are two sub-plots. One of them is the mob boss trying to locate his lost money while the other has to do with domestic lives of one of the protagonists. The second subplot proves to be complicated.
Hanan Savyon stands out as he comes out as the less sensitive of the duo, and has a very vague definition of right and wrong. Many situations will make you smile. Some of the plot twists are lazily written but still surprises you. The movie is worth a watch especially when you go with lower expectations. It is a clean comedy.
Language: Hebrew
Genre: Comedy
Rating: ***
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