Punching bag... Really?

"Why do you have to go?
You are my punching bag."
I overheard these sentences today. A lady sitting beside me was talking on the phone. When she uttered these statements, it reminded me of the lyrics of Hindi films from the 90s. It sounded cheesy and ridiculous. How could someone be so open in a public space? With this thought running in my mind, I blocked all other noises and tuned my ears on her. 

It didn't take long to figure out why she sounded like a lyricist from the 90s. The person at the other end was leaving the current assignment after having found greener pastures, and suddenly, the lady is without a sympathetic team member. Although she brings out a valid point, I was intrigued by her term "punching bag." Why is the person giving you his/her time to listen to your woes termed as a punching bag? Isn't the term derogatory? In fact, the said person is not a punching bag. Instead, the said person is providing you a valuable service. The service of unadulterated listening. How many of you can actually listen without passing judgments?

Photo Courtesy: W_Minshull


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