Mint tea, seductive beyond all resistance

I am not sure where the mint tea originated. For me, it is a Moroccan thing because I had it for the first time in a Moroccan restaurant in Paris. So, I like to think mint tea as Moroccan. I may be wrong.  But that is the way I am. India may feature mint tea but I am not a lover of mint. So I have never had it in India. My aversion to mint is one of the reasons why my mother used to take special care to avoid mint in the dishes served to me. All the others were served the minty version except me. How did she accomplish that? I leave it to the efficiency associated with mothers, a science better unexplained but thoroughly enjoyed wondering about it.

Coming back to the mint tea, the waiter at the Moroccan restaurant suggested it to me. My dislike for mint made me refuse the offer politely. I am eternally grateful to the waiter for what happened next. He insisted it is a must-have after dinner. He also added the tea was free. I am an easy guy to be persuaded as long as it involves food. Soon, I relented. What followed was dramatic. He brought a glass and a copper jug to the table. He placed the glass on the table, poured tea from the jug, raised the jug even above his tall frame while pouring and brought the jug down as he finished pouring. Yes, the gesture reminded me of the tea shops back in India. I waited for the hot drops to splash on my face and I desperately wanted it to happen as if the splash will magically transport me miles away to my homeland. That never happened.

I took a sip when the waiter left. The steam rising out of the cup didn't prevent me for I can handle hot tea in any form. On the first sip, sugar and the mint, enhancing the effect of sugar, spread through my taste buds. And I fell in love.

Footnote: If you are in Paris and want to try mint tea, visit the restaurant adjacent to the mosque near Jussieu Metro. You can sit in the courtyard and have endless cups of mint teas. It is not free but it is definitely cheap. If you want the exact address, check the address in the picture.

Tags: Musings,Mint,Tea



  1. that restaurant is algerian, but anyway, glad u enjoyed the mint tea !

    1. I love it. I can have many glasses of tea they serve in glasses and not in a cup. ;)

      Thanks for pointing out it is an Algerian restaurant right next to the mosque. I always thought of it as a Moroccan restaurant. Apologies.

      As for my first experience with mint tea, it was in the Algerian restaurant. It was in fact in a Moroccan restaurant near Arts-et-Metiers metro. :)

  2. Havent tried mint tea. But have tried green tea. eww! Why is that healthy stuff always taste yucky?

    1. Healthy stuff is healthy stuff. It is not meant for tasting good. As for mint tea, it tastes very very good. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Restaurants with Arab influence. That is a good place to look for. In case you find one, let me know. ;)

  4. I really want to have one! I wonder if it is available in any CCD shop. :)

  5. I love mint tea at Morrocan restaurants. And maybe Algerian ones as well:) Oh and I love Morrocan food. I am reminded of a little place in the 6th where I once had a special dinner...

    1. Tajines...Simply yummylicious. :) The little place in the 6th is where I had my first mint tea. :)

  6. I enjoyed mine at the same place when I visited last year... it was awesome, along with the people watching and fat pigeions... hahaha :D

    1. Exactment. So you can visit again this year. :)

    2. Yup! Especially since I enjoy mint tea! Join me perhaps? hehehehe :P

    3. Let me know when you are here. Usually, a bunch of us hang out at the mosque at times. :)

    4. oh woah! That's nice! Shall send a message to your FB page :) Always great to have company!

  7. remind me to issue a post on mint and herbal tea.thanks


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