Jack Reacher series from Lee Child is entertaining and intriguing one. The major contributing factor for entertainment is the style of storytelling. There is a lack of depth in characters and events. However, there might be detailed explanations of inane experiences. For instance, Lee explains the various type of suit vents using Reacher in one of his books. It is just a trivia to briefly astound you. At the same time, Reacher series is an intriguing one as this is the sole creation of Lee Child. Lee does not write any other books. He only writes about Reacher. How long can Lee prolong this spell? Looking at his repertoire, it seems he can go for a long time. This is just the fourteenth one in the series.
Jack Reacher is in South Dakota. As usual, he is on a bus which breakdowns in the middle of nowhere. As a result, Reacher is put up in a sleepy little town nearby. The cops are tensed as there is a prison nearby. There is a snowstorm which is descending on the town. How all these culminate in a showdown between Jack Reacher and Plato, a drug lord based in Mexico, forms the rest of the story. If you are a series fan, then you know Jack Reacher is very tall, 6'5'' to be precise. Plato is a dwarf. This contrast plays well although they both have very few pages together. As the title implies, the story unfolds in a little bit over 61 hours. There is constant reference to time left through the book as a stopwatch. This exercise turns out to be irritating after some time.
We all need an escape from the mundane. The series is perfect for this purpose. If you like thrillers, you will enjoy this book.
The other books in this series are
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